Become a Smarter Learner
Workshop Mission: Increase ability to learn efficiently using your learning style
Identify your preferred learning style
Identify activities preferred by each learning style and the similarities
Understand ways to motivate learning in a way that appeals to all learner
Improve your learning skills and processes to become smarter learners
Effectively appeal to other learners by using the strategies of a learner centered approach
Do you ever find yourself asking such questions when engaged in a learning experience? Want to know why ?
Become smarter at getting a better fit between learning opportunities and the way you learn best. This makes your learning easier, more effective and enjoyable. It saves you tackling your learning on a hit-and-miss basis.
Equip yourself with information about your learning style and approach, you’ll have many more hits and fewer misses. Learning styles were based upon the work of Kolb learning model.
Ever wondered?
How you learn best?
Why a learning environment may be a cause of stress for you?
What processes you should use to enhance your learning experience?
Facilitation time required: 2 hours
Workbook and material provided.
This workshop maybe combined with others to suite the objective of the organization development goal.