Science of Communication, understanding the HOW of your behavior and the subconscious drivers behind it
Science of Communication, understanding the HOW of your behavior and the subconscious drivers behind it
Nov 05, 20212022-02-26 4:22
Science of Communication, understanding the HOW of your behavior and the subconscious drivers behind it
Science of Communication, understanding the HOW of your behavior and the subconscious drivers behind it
All behavior is communication, learn about the subconscious drivers behind your observable behavior.
Understanding what drives your behavior will enhance your ability to lean into your communication style and get the best out of it. With this knowledge, you can locate interpersonal conflicts and situational energy drains to be able to apply greater flexibility in your interaction with others.
Do you find yourself wanting to take charge so that things get done faster?
Do you find yourself anticipating all the hurdles before moving forward with a goal?
Do you sometimes come across as bossy or have been seen as that by others?
Do you find yourself doing all the work in the background and not getting appreciated for it?
Do you sometimes feel that your friendly approach is taken advantage of?
If you can relate of any one of those, this workshop is for you. It will provide insight about yourself and how there is subconscious drivers behind your observable behavior.
Interaction Styles?
Interaction Styles is based on observable behavior patterns, similar to the popular Social Styles models and DISC Instrument.
Interaction Styles tells us the “How” of our behavior. It refers to patterns of interaction that are highly contextual and yet innate.
This workshop will:
Go through a process to self asses your innate communication style
Help you identify your communication style and how you demonstrate that in your behavior
Assist in valuing the diversity of the four communication styles
Help you to learn to flex and value others
Go through application exercises to test your understanding
Workshop Details:
This workshop requires 2 sessions of 2.5 hours each. This is an interactive online workshop. Participants are required to attend both days.
Dates: Sat, January 29, 2022Time: 10am-12:30pm PST / 1pm-3:30pm EST / 6-8:30pm BST
Dates: Sat, February 5, 2022Time: 10am-12:30pm PST / 1pm-3:30pm EST / 6-8:30pm BST
Price: $99 – Includes 5 hours of facilitation and additional one-on-one where required. Participants are provided workshop guide and up to four facilitators to guide the learning in smaller groups. Interactive sessions with exercises and group work. Participants will be required to be on video throughout the session to maximize learning for the group.
To Register: Click on the “Buy Now” button to pay online email [email protected] to save a spot and make a payment using e-transfer.
How will this help me?
Knowing our interaction style helps us to locate interpersonal conflicts and situational energy drains. It provides a map for greater flexibility in our interaction with others.
Behavior patterns tend to be influenced by inner drives, effectively use this information to enhance your communication skills.
Appeal to the various communication styles by flexing your style to increase engagement with teams, customers, and in your personal lives.
“Structured delivery, and well-delivered through the use of informative and helpful break-out rooms. The facilitators demonstrated effective product knowledge and were very attentive to all attendee inputs and enquiries. Interaction was made creative and engaging, diminishing any prospects of monotony.”
“Really appreciated the Science of Communication course. Learned a lot about my own communication but also how others communicate. After the first week, I was already evaluating my interactions and applying my learnings right away. I’d recommend this course for anyone who works in a collaborative setting.”
“Really made me think why I gravitate to one style over the other and to make me feel appreciate of my strengths”
“The wider lens team provided great insight into personality traits and helped me identify exactly what groups I belong too as well as interacting with people who fall under different interactive styles.”
“This will help you take a look at how you communicate, and to help understand how others communicate. This will benefit you in all relationships; personal and professional.”
“The Widerlens team create a fun and interactive learning environment. This course will help you be a better communicator in your personal and professional life.”
As the CEO of WiderLens, I design and deliver bespoke workshops across North America for clients from a wide range of sectors, including voluntary, legal, retail and corporate. The bespoke development programs are designed to propel individuals towards positive and authentic Action. As a friend described my facilitation style:
"Siddika’s ability to lean into discomfort to find comfort is infectious and you may find yourself in the same conundrum in her session"
Price $99.00
Instructor Siddika Jessa
Duration 5 hours
6 students
Language English
Deadline Sat, January 29, 2022 Time: 10am-12:30pm PST / 1pm-3:30pm EST / 6-8:30pm BST - Sat, February 5, 2022 Time: 10am-12:30pm PST / 1pm-3:30pm EST / 6-8:30pm BST